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Transparent Electronics: Materials, Devices, and Applications

John Wager


The recent development of transparent thin-film transistors (TTFTs) leads to the possibility of invisible circuits and electronic systems [J.F. Wager, D.A. Keszler, R.E. Presley, Transparent Electronics, Springer (2008)]. The purpose of this presentation is to provide an introductory overview of materials, devices, and possible applications of transparent electronics. An ironic aspect of this field is that many of the initial applications of this technology will likely not even involve transparency!


John F. Wager received his B.S. in engineering physics at Oregon State University (OSU) in 1977 and his M.S. and Ph.D. in electrical engineering from Colorado State University in 1978 & 1981. From 1982-1984 he worked at Hughes Research Laboratories where he was involved in the development of compound semiconductor devices for high-speed and optoelectronic applications. He joined the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at OSU in 1984 and is currently a Professor in the School of EECS. His area of specialization is solid state materials and devices. His current research focus areas include transparent electronics, printed electronics, and photovoltaics.

John Wager Headshot
John Wager
Oregon State University
EEB 105
7 Apr 2009, 10:30am until 11:30am